Dentist Pilipović Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 09:00h to 19:00h

Grin Dental Care

Terazije 14, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Dental office in Belgrade - "Grin Dental Care" is located in the city center on the Terazije street, and provides an opportunity to for everyone who visits Belgrade to bring their smile to full brightness. Years of experience and following modern achievements in the field of dentistry has given them the knowledge and know how to approaching every patient appropriately... read more

Dentist Grin Dental Care Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 18:00h

Dr Simić

Baba Višnjina 49, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

  Dental practice Dr Simić was founded in 1984 by Simic dr Nebojsa and Simic Dr. Vesna, headquartered in Belgrade. Simić Dr. Nebojša graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade, specialist in oral surgery and implantology.   Dr. Vesna Simic graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade, a specialist in fork orthopedics. In Dr Simić's office, you can... read more

Dentist Dr Simić Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 0h to 24:00h
Dentist Lenka dental & aesthetics Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Gala Dent

Kneginje Zorke 94/4, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

Dental clinic in the center of Belgrade "Gala Dent" has been tending to the health of all patients who have chosen us to care about the health of their teeth. By always smiling and doing our best to be kind, we try to do everything we can to give all our patients painless and efficient dental care. Our office in... read more

Dentist Gala Dent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 12:00h to 19:00h

Mrse Dent

Makedonska 17, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Dental Practice "Mrse Dent Beograd" - Is located in the city center on Makedonska street number 17. “Mrse Dent Beograd” is a family practice that foster a friendly relationship with each and every of their patient. Taking into account and trying to make any intervention painless and stress free. Practice "Mrse Dent" is modern and equipped with modern dental equipment.... read more

Dentist Mrse Dent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 20:00h


Pilota Mihaila Petrovića 53v, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Rakovica

eng read more

Dentist Jovšić Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 17:00h
Dentist Lady dent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Dental Focus

Stevana Sremca 13, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

3.DENTAL FOCUS   The Specialist Dental Practice of Primarius Dr. Tatjana Devetak Jankov was founded in 1995 with headquarters in the very center of Belgrade, in the most attractive and most visited part of the city. For 21 years we have been nurturing and improving the dental health of patients. Within the Dental Focus there are two fully equipped clinics... read more

Dentist Dental Focus Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 18:00h


Kraljice Natalije 36, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Eng read more

Dentist Omnident Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 13:00h to 21:00h

Marinac Dental Studio

Prve pruge 4, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade New Belgrade

We offer all kinds of services of general type dentistry and complete care in one place. In the pleasant ambience of our office, we try to make everyone feel relaxed and safe.   A unique and personal approach to each patient, with the desire to relieve them of the fear of the intervention itself, is what the Marinac Dental Studio... read more

Dentist Marinac Dental Studio Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 19:00h


Golsvordijeva 18, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

Dental office Incisivus is located in municipality of Vracar, near the Kalenic Green Market, in Golsvordijeva Street no 18/3. In a pleasant ambience and with a lot of love for the work we do, we are using the highest quality materials and the latest knowledge so we can provide all kinds of dental services for you and your family: -... read more

Dentist Incisivus Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 18:00h


Đure Daničića 15, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Our dental office is equipped with the state-of-art devices which warrant top quality services for our patients. In addition to general dentistry, we offer the services that fall within the area of implantology,oral surgery, periodontics, orthodontics, children’s and preventive dentistry, and prosthetics. The priority of our dental office is to stay abreast of the most recent trends, keep an eye... read more

Dentist Savadent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 12:00h to 19:00h


Gajeva 5, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Zvezdara

Computerized dentistry Reconstruction of part of the tooth, some or all of the teeth manufacturing  metal-free restoration ( inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges) by using a 3D system. Scanning the prepared tooth using a special camera, designing the prosthetics work (ceramic crown, ceramic filling- inlay, onlay) using a corresponding software and finally as the end manufacturing in the machine (CNC... read more

Dentist Dedent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 18:00h

Stomatološka ordinacija Dr Jovanović

Dunavski kej 11, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

For over two decades of their existence the private clinics Jovanovic have been dedicated to providing exceptional dental services with emphasis on aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics. Since its very beginnings in 1989 the specialized clinic Jovanovic has aimed to give a whole new dimension to private dental practices. The Primarii and specialized orthodontists, Doctors Olga and Milan Jovanovic have applied... read more

Dentist Stomatološka ordinacija Dr Jovanović Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 20:00h


Mutapova 43, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

               2. DENTA-N   Dental Practice DentaN offers you many years of experience in working with patients, with modern equipment, proven quality materials and top quality, painless dental service. In a pleasant atmosphere, with an expert team that is trying to free you from fear of dentists. All this with an optimal quality relationship and price of a service.   Before... read more

Dentist Denta-N Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 14:00h to 20:00h

TiM Jurišić

Vojvode Stepe 114, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vozdovac

TiM Stomatology private dental practice was founded in 1988. It has represented a symbol of high quality and advanced dentistry for more than two decades. We perform around 6 thousand check-ups and treatments every year. The work and development processes in our “TiM” dental practice are based on teamwork, multi-disciplinary approach, constant technological and professional improvements, advancement of work organization... read more

Dentist TiM Jurišić Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 09:00h to 19:00h


Goce Delčeva 16, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade New Belgrade

The dental office "Dentales" is located in New Belgrade, on Boulevard Marsala Tolbuhin (formerly Goce Delcev) in a very attractive location near the Hotel Jugoslavija and near the Danube Quay, only a few kilometers from the center of Belgrade.   Our team consists of 2 permanently employed dentists as well as several eminent visiting doctors, who with their great professional... read more

Dentist DentaleS Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 13:00h to 20:00h

Donna Dent

Braće Jerković 71,prvi ulaz 1, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vozdovac

U Donna dent ordinaciji, mi znamo vrednost osmeha. Tu smo da sacuvamo zdravlje Vaših zuba i Vaš lep osmeh. Zdravi zubi nam, pored estetike, omogucuju pravilnu ishranu i pravilan govor. Ako vodimo brigu o zdravlju svojih zuba, moci cemo da snažno žvacemo hranu, da lepo i jasno govorimo i da uvek izgledamo negovano i zdravo. Primenom najsavremenijih metoda, konstantnim usavršavanjem... read more

Dentist Donna Dent Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 12:00h to 20:00h


Radoslava Grujića 30, Beograd, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

As your doctors, we wanted to make sure that we are a highly trained team. We are proud of the care that we provide in order to save the health of your mouth and teeth. To ensure the best possible treatment and results, we are committed to education and learning. We attend lectures, meetings and forums where we are informed... read more

Dentist Pavlović Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 19:00h
Dentist Stojanović Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 18:00h
Dentist Mihailovic Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 14:00h

Bela koka

Kralja Milutina 33, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vracar

The Dental Clinic Bela Koka, located in the immediate vicinity of the Slavija Square, has begun its work now since 2000. The White Coca Clinic with its many years of experience in work, professional doctors with extensive experience in the field of dentistry, put great trust in the patients who are our best recommendations.   The doctors who make up... read more

Dentist Bela koka Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 13:00h to 19:00h
Dentist Dr Jokanović Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 19:00h

Dr Branislava Smiljković

Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 92, lok 17, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade New Belgrade

  DR BRANISLAVA SMILJKOVIĆ   Dental Practice Dr Branislava Smiljković is a well-equipped office in which you can get all kinds of dental services in the field of prosthetics, oral implotology, paradontology, endodontics and recreational dentistry. The team of experts and consultants will provide you with the most adequate solution. The support of traditional dentistry and tailored tracking of new... read more

Dentist Dr Branislava Smiljković Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 20:00h
Dentist Dr Mirela Cvetković Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 12:00h to 20:00h

Stomatološka ordinacija Miščević

Maršala Birjuzova 39, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Dental office Miščević is located at Maršala Birjuzova 39 street. Many years of experience Dr Ana Anđus is a guarantor that the patient will be satisfied with the service performed, and only if it is done with top quality materials, where the quality is always in the first place. From the very beginning with quality and professional service, as well... read more

Dentist Stomatološka ordinacija Miščević Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 10:00h to 16:00h

TIA dentico

Danila Bojovića 30a, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Vozdovac

Eng  read more

Dentist TIA dentico Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 12:00h to 20:00h

Dr Radomir Ljubisavljević

Takovska 17, Belgrade

Dentist Belgrade Center

Dental Practice Dr Radomir Ljubisavljević is a  practice of long tradition established in 1993 with headquarters in Belgrade in Takovska Street. Our team has been long-standing together and is consisted of the very best. The teammates are: DR. RADOMIR LJUBISAVLJEVIĆ - graduated in 1974 from the Dental Faculty in Belgrade, his specialization in oral surgery ends in 1982. He opens... read more

Dentist Dr Radomir Ljubisavljević Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 11:00h to 19:00h
Dentist Dr Milenković Belgrade
working hours / Friday
from 09:00h to 17:00h