Karađorđeva 2-4, Belgrade
Beton Club is the newest winter club, located at the most exclusive place in Belgrade, Beton hall on the Sava River port. Club Beton is a new, exclusive but urban place that will greatly resemble the clubs abroad. It is designed for fans of electronic music, and works on Fridays and Saturdays from midnight until 04h. Famous Belgrade DJs known... read more
Gračanička 18, Belgrade
The Belgrade club Cinema has a modern interior, divided into multitude of smaller private boxes in the mezzanine of the club and on the gallery. Comfort is the top priority. Big selection of cocktails and great live music make this club one of the top clubs in Belgrade. Fridays and Saturdays are, at the same time, the only evenings when... read more
Karadjordjeva 9, Belgrade
Club InBox opens its doors in No 9 Karađorđeva Street, with new changed name. One of the most popular clubs in Belgrade, with long tradition of night life, with new dynamic attitude, proudly announces one of the best winter seasons ever. In old area of Belgrade, on the place where once was club Box, the new club InBox is opened,... read more