Belgrade Attractions

Belgrade Attractions - Belgrade is a city of history and a city with a soul, and that soul is preserved in all its sights. From over a thousand sites we've put together the list Belgrade Attractions with thirty landmarks that you simply must see. Each point of interest from the list Belgrade Attractions is special and tells a unique story that will evoke and describe life in Belgrade, both today and throughout history. List Belgrade Attractions has the most impressive and the most interesting sights in Belgrade! The Belgrade Attractions list is a guide for all!

Oficirska Zadruga

Masarikova, Resavska, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The building of the Officers union is is located on the corner of Masarikova and Resavska street, built in 1908, and the main architect of this project was Svetozar Jovanovic, who at the time had only 26 years. His companions were Danilo Vladislavljević and Vladimir Popovic. The building of the Officers union is an important link in... read more

Attraction Oficirska Zadruga Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Novi Dvor

Andrićev venac 1, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Located on Andricev venac, The New Palace from the list Belgrade Attractions is a magnificent building which is home to the Presidency of the Republic of Serbia. As a monument from the list Belgrade Attractions it is under state protection. It was built between 1911 and 1922, and back then its purpose was solely residential. The Palace... read more

Attraction Novi Dvor Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Planetarijum na Kalemegdanu

Amam - Staro tursko kupatilo, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic" is also involved in amateur observational work. For this purpose, within the society, in 1964 the National Observatory from the list Belgrade Attractions was established, which is to this day located in the adapted Despot's tower on Kalemegdan. The Belgrade Kalemegdan Planetarium from the list Belgrade Attractions is located at the confluence... read more

Attraction Planetarijum na Kalemegdanu Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 16:00h

Zgrada Beogradske zadruge

Travnička 2, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Belgrade Cooperative Building is located in Karadjordjeva Street in Savski venac. Today it is considered one of the monuments of culture and cultural property of great importance. It was built in 1907 and is one of the greatest architectural works of Nikola Nestorovic and Andre Stevanovic. The building was modeled after the Paris Exhibition and Decoration... read more

Attraction Zgrada Beogradske zadruge Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 08:00h to 18:00h

Muzej Nikole Tesle

Krunska 51, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Vracar

Belgrade Attractions - Nikola Tesla Museum from the list Belgrade Attractions is located in the Vracar neighborhood in Belgrade, dedicated to the preservation and presentation of work, ideas and life of Nikola Tesla. The museum from the list Belgrade Attractions currently contains over 160,000 original documents, more than 2,000 books and journals and 1,200 technical exhibits, in addition the Museum... read more

Attraction Muzej Nikole Tesle Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 10:00h to 18:00h

Dom Jevrema Grujića

Svetogorska 17, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The home of Jevrem Grujic from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in 1896, according to the project of the architect Milan Kapetanovic, by Jevrem Grujic, for his family. The home from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the spirit of the French neo-baroque and neo-Renaissance. Domenik D'Andre the Italian master of decorative painting, whose facade... read more

Attraction Dom Jevrema Grujića Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday

Stari Dvor

Dragoslava Jovanovica 2, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Old Palace from the list Belgrade Attractions with the location on Kralja Milana street is a representative building in Belgrade, which was raised by King Milan between 1881 and 1884. At the Old Palace from the Belgrade Attractions list, between 1903 and 1921, lived Petar I Karadjordjevic, and between 1921 and 1922, King Alexander I, today... read more

Attraction Stari Dvor Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Saborna crkva

Kneza Sime Markovića 3, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Cathedral Church is a cultural monument of great ecclesiastical, cultural and historical importance. It is dedicated to the Holy Archangel Michael and the struggle for independence from centuries of Turkish rule in this region. In the 19th century, the Cathedral Church was a church, administrative, social, commercial and cultural center around which Belgrade began to emerge... read more

Attraction Saborna crkva Belgrade
+38111 2636684
working hours / Tuesday
from 07:00h to 20:00h

Delijska česma

Knez Mihailova, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Delijska Drinking Fountain is one of the most visited public fountains in Belgrade. It has been demolished several times to its foundations and is today a very recognizable symbol of our city. It is located on Knez Mihailova Street and it is certain that the promenade would not look the same without a faucet. Like almost every... read more

Attraction Delijska česma Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 0h to 24:00h

Dom Jevrema Grujića

Svetogorska 17, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The home of Jevrem Grujic is located in the center of Belgrade on Svetogorska Street, right next to the Atelje 212 poor house. The family house of Jevrem Grujic was the first house to be declared a cultural monument in 1961. Jevrem Grujic is an important figure in Serbian history and Serbian diplomacy in the 19th century.... read more

Attraction Dom Jevrema Grujića Belgrade
+381 11 407 36 12
working hours / Tuesday