Belgrade Attractions

Belgrade Attractions - Belgrade is a city of history and a city with a soul, and that soul is preserved in all its sights. From over a thousand sites we've put together the list Belgrade Attractions with thirty landmarks that you simply must see. Each point of interest from the list Belgrade Attractions is special and tells a unique story that will evoke and describe life in Belgrade, both today and throughout history. List Belgrade Attractions has the most impressive and the most interesting sights in Belgrade! The Belgrade Attractions list is a guide for all!

Dvorska crkva Svetog Apostola Andreja Prvozvanog

Pivljanina Baje bb, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Savski Venac

Belgrade Attractions - The Royal Chapel of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First Called from the list Belgrade Attractions is located near the Royal Palace, and they are connected by a colonnade of stone pillars. This chapel from the list Belgrade Attractions is made in the likeness of Milutin Royal church in Studenica monasteries and churches Andrijaš on the Treska.... read more

Attraction Dvorska crkva Svetog Apostola Andreja Prvozvanog Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Palata Albanija

Knez Mihailova 2-4, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Palace "Albania" stands as a reminder that you are entering Knez Mihailova Street and that you are near the Terazijska fountain. Built in 1939, it quickly became the first cloud tower in Belgrade, but also the tallest building in our country, the Balkans and Southeast Europe. With its 53 meters in height, it has 4 underground and... read more

Attraction Palata Albanija Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 0h to 24:00h

Zgrada Patrijaršije

Kralja Petra 5, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Patriarchate Building is the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the center of ecclesiastical authority. It is located on Kosancic's Wreath at King Peter Street and Cathedral Church. The Patriarchate's Palace is not the first building for such a purpose. In the middle of the 19th century, the old building of Belgrade-Karlovac Metropolis was built, which... read more

Attraction Zgrada Patrijaršije Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 0h to 24:00h

Zadužbina Branka Ćopića

Knez Mihailova 35, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Serbian and Yugoslav writer Branko Copic, finished elementary school in his birthplace, and a lower secondary school in Bihac. He studied a Teachers school in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Delnice and finished it in Karlovci. Then, he enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and graduated in 1940. In 1928 he published his first story, and a short... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Branka Ćopića Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Hram Svetog Save

Krušedolska 2a, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Vracar

Belgrade Attractions - Temple of Saint Sava fro the list Belgrade Attractions is the largest Serbian Orthodox church in the Balkans, and was built on the site where the Kodza Sinan - Pasha reportedly burned the remains of Saint Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Construction of the temple from the list Belgrade Attractions began on 15th of... read more

Attraction Hram Svetog Save Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 08:00h to 20:00h

Stara Telefonska Centrala

Kosovska 47, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The building of the Old telephone exchange from the list Belgrade Attractions is located in Kosovska Street, behind the building of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade. It was built specifically for the telephone exchange according to the plan of architect Branko Tanazević and is the first such facility in Serbia, and as... read more

Attraction Stara Telefonska Centrala Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday

Čukur Česma

Dobračina, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Čukur fountain from the list Belgrade Attractions is situated on the corner of Dobračina and Gospodar Jevremova street. It existed back in 1862 as well, when the incident that made it famous with its sad story that occurred. On June 15th, 1862, at noon, the boy Sava Petrovic, apprentice, was sent by a craftsmen to pour water... read more

Attraction Čukur Česma Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Sahat Kapija i Sahat Kula

Kalemegdanska Tvrdjava, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Sahat Gate and Sahat Tower from the list Belgrade Attractions are located on the main path to the Upper Town at Kalemegdan, they are witnesses of the development of architecture in under two reigns. Sahat Gate from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the 17th century during the repair of the then damaged southeastern walls, and... read more

Attraction Sahat Kapija i Sahat Kula Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Manakova Kuća

Kraljevića Marka, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Savski Venac

Belgrade Attractions - The house of Manak from the list Belgrade Attractions is located in a suburb of former Savamala, on the corner of Kraljevica Marka and Gavrila Principa streets. It contains a rich collection of folk costumes, from Kosovo and South Serbia, followed by customs, for a total of about 2600 items. The house from the list Belgrade Attractions... read more

Attraction Manakova Kuća Belgrade
+381 11 328 18 88
+381 11 30 36 114
working hours / Tuesday
from 10:00h to 17:00h

Zadužbina Nikole Spasića

Kneza Mihaila 33, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Foundation of Nikola Spasic was founded posthumously by handwritten testament on 09 February 1912. 30 April 1920 has been officially launched. Nikola Spasic, a Serbian wholesaler, and a great benefactor and donor was known as a diligent and hard-working man, he enjoyed the reputation of a honest and wise man. His great wealth was invested in stocks... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Nikole Spasića Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 08:00h to 16:00h

Kafana "Ruski car"

Obilićev venac 29, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The list of the most beautiful sights in Belgrade is a building that housed a restaurant and restaurant "Russian Tsar" decades ago. It is located at the intersection of Knez Mihailova Street and Obilicev venac. Great location makes it almost impossible to walk past the building without pausing and admiring its beauty for a short while. The... read more

Attraction Kafana "Ruski car" Belgrade
+381 654722247
working hours / Tuesday
from 08:00h to 24:00h

Narodno pozorište

Francuska 3, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The National Theater is located in the very center of Belgrade and together with Knez Mihailova Street and the monument to Prince Mihailo Obrenovic, makes it the most beautiful and visited pedestrian zone in the capital. It is located on Francuska Street where the Stambol Gate used to be. The theater itself is divided into two scenes... read more

Attraction Narodno pozorište Belgrade
011 3281 333
011 2620 946
working hours / Tuesday
from 11:00h to 20:00h

Igumanova Palata

Trg Nikole Pašića 31, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Palace Igumanov from the list Belgrade Attractions, located on the Terazije street in Belgrade, built in 1938, was designed by architects Petar and Branko Krstic, in the style of modernism. It was built by Sima Andrejevic Igumanov (1804-1882), a Serbian merchant and a great benefactor. Palace Igumanov from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the time... read more

Attraction Igumanova Palata Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Spomenik Knezu Mihailu Obrenoviću

Trg Republike Srbije, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Monument of Prince Mihailo Obrenovic from the list Belgrade Attractions is located on the Republic square and amongst the people is known as a meeting place by the name of "The Horse". The monument from the list Belgrade Attractions was erected in 1882 and represents Prince Mihailo Obrenovic as a rider. The monument was done by... read more

Attraction Spomenik Knezu Mihailu Obrenoviću Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Zgrada SANU

Kneza Mihaila 35, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Serbian Academy of Sciences (SANU) building is an important cultural monument of Knez Mihailova Street. It was built in 1924 for the needs of the highest scientific institution such as the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts or formerly the Serbian Royal Academy. The main and unusual feature of the building is that the facade overlooks... read more

Attraction Zgrada SANU Belgrade
+38111 2027106
working hours / Tuesday
from 08:00h to 18:00h

Muzej istorije Jugoslavije 25. maj

Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevića, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Savski Venac

Belgrade Attractions - Museum of Yugoslav history from the list Belgrade Attractions was officially established by a decision of the Government of the Federal Republic of Serbia, and by connecting the Memorial Centre "Josip Broz Tito" and the Museum of the Revolution in 1996, however, after he was elected President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic moved into... read more

Attraction Muzej istorije Jugoslavije 25. maj Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 10:00h to 20:00h

Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca

Studentski Trg 5, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions -  In 1800, in the village of Kolari near Smederevo Ilija Milosavljević was born, now known in the general public as Kolarac. He attended primary school in his native village, and learned the trader job by working in a store in Vrsac. In 1817, from Vrsac he moved to Belgrade, where he worked as a trade kalfa. In... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 10:00h to 20:00h

Kapetan Mišino Zdanje

Studentski trg 1, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Captain Misa's building from the list Belgrade Attractions is one of the most famous structures of the nineteenth century in Belgrade, and is home to the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade and part of the Faculty of Philosophy. Situated at Studentski trg, ithe house from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in the period between 1857... read more

Attraction Kapetan Mišino Zdanje Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Kuća porodice Karamata

Karamatina 17, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Zemun

Belgrade Attractions - The Karamata family house from the list Belgrade Attractions consists of three related parts linked together by a unique elaborate facade and a common main entrance. The ground floor part, one-storey portion with a simple roof and a one-part with mansard roof are connected to a single unit that makes the Karamata family house from the list... read more

Attraction Kuća porodice Karamata Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Dom Mike Alasa

Kosančićev Venac 22, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The house in Kosančićev venac from the list Belgrade Attractions was built in 1910 for Mihil Petrovic, popularly known as Mika Alas, who lived,worked and died there. It was built on the site of the demolished house of his grandfather Novica Lazarevic, a Belgradian archpriest. The famous mathematician, scientist and fisherman spent nearly all his life in... read more

Attraction Dom Mike Alasa Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Crkva Svetog Marka

Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 17, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Palilula

Belgrade Attractions - St. Mark's Church from the Belgrade Attractions was built between 1931 and 1940, but the outbreak of World War II stopped the construction, during this period only construction work has been carried out but nonetheless worship was conducted during and after the war, up until 14th of November 1948. On 14th of November the Patriarch Gavrilo Dožić... read more

Attraction Crkva Svetog Marka Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 07:00h to 20:00h

Crkva Svetog Aleksandra Nevskog

Cara Dušana 63, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Church of St. Alexander Nevsky is located on Dorcol at the place where earlier there was a church of more modest dimensions dedicated to the same saint. The old church was built in 1877 of ancient construction and was demolished in 1891 due to the urbanization of this part of Belgrade. The foundations for the new... read more

Attraction Crkva Svetog Aleksandra Nevskog Belgrade
011 328 3214
working hours / Tuesday
from 07:00h to 19:00h

Ičkova kuća

Bežanijska, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Zemun

Belgrade Attractions - Ičko’s house from the list Belgrade Attractions was named after the eponymous rebel, diplomat and merchant Petar Ičko who after the introduction turkish administration had to cross to Zemun, Belgrade. The role of Petar Ičko in the preparation of the First Serbian Uprising in 1804 was important. He was a consul and tradesman intermediary for Zemun, Thessaloniki... read more

Attraction Ičkova kuća Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Dizdareva kula - Despotova Kula

Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The gate and tower from the list Belgrade Attractions are named after one of the greatest Serbian rulers who tried to leave an indelible mark on the panorama of the White city. That i when Belgrade first became the capital of our country, and the magnificent palace that he built was considered one of the most beautiful... read more

Attraction Dizdareva kula - Despotova Kula Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Dom štampe

Knez Mihailova 6, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The building of the Press House is located in the very center of Belgrade in Knez Mihailova Street, number 6. It is of great importance for architecture in our region, because at the time it was built it represented a completely new model of business premises. In addition, it has exceptional architectural value for the appearance of... read more

Attraction Dom štampe Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA)

Braće Jugovića 19, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The Palace of the Veternas' House or the JNA House and the Serbian Army House is located not far from Republic Square and occupies a place of exceptional cultural and historical importance for Belgrade. The palace was built in 1931 for cultural information purposes of the army and reserve officers. To date, the Serbian Armed Forces House... read more

Attraction Palata Ratnički dom (Dom JNA) Belgrade
011 3234702
011 3234712
working hours / Tuesday
from 11:00h to 19:00h

Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog

Dečanska 8, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - On 7th of June, 1980 the endowment of Milos Crnjanski from the list Belgrade Attractions was officially established with the  means that Vidosava Crnjanski, Milos’s widow bequeathed. However, the very beginning of the Foundation of Milos Crnjanski from the list Belgrade Attractions happened earlier, on 6th of July in 1978, when Vidosava Crnjanski, feeling that her end... read more

Attraction Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 09:00h to 17:00h

Mitropolitski dvor

Donji Kalemegdan, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - Remains Metropolitan palace in Kalemegdan from the list Belgrade Attractions were discovered during excavations in the Lower Town in 1977, during the search for the most important medieval Orthodox church of Belgrade, which was dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin and was located at the current elevation above the lower Kalemegdan city. Archaeological research uncovered the... read more

Attraction Mitropolitski dvor Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Stara Narodna Biblioteka Srbije

Kosančićev Venac, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - The National Library of Serbia from the list Belgrade Attractions once stood on Kosančićev venac, the only thing in its place now are the remainders that once on that very place there was a magnificent building that was home to knowledge and history. The rubble and karst of the National library of Serbia from the list Belgrade... read more

Attraction Stara Narodna Biblioteka Srbije Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h

Kuća Nikole Pašića

Francuska 21, Belgrade

Belgrade Attractions Center

Belgrade Attractions - House Nikola Pasic from the list Belgrade Attractions is in Francuska Street, and was built in 1872, it consists of a basement, ground floor and a mansard roof. The property which the house from the list Belgrade Attractions was built on belonged to the famous dealers, Nikola and Kosta Dzanga. The house is a one-family house with... read more

Attraction Kuća Nikole Pašića Belgrade
working hours / Tuesday
from 24:00h to 24:00h