Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a (A blok)

Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok - Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are located in the A Blok neighborhood in the municipality of New Belgrade. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are is completely new, and next to it there are the neighborhood Belvil and the shopping center Delta City. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are bordered by the streets Omladinskih birgada, Djordja Stanojevica, Bulevar Crvene Armije and the street Jurija Gagarina. What best describes the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok and the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are new, modern buildings and a nicely decorated and well kept space, as well as maximum use of the aforementioned space. The neighborhoods where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are is one of the smaller neighborhoods in the municipality of New Belgrade, and what makes it specific is its structure and the fact that it is completely new. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are covers an area of ​​9000 square meters and consists of a number of new residential buildings whose ground story floors are full of cafes, bars, restaurants, exchange offices, banks, supermarkets and shops. Our guests gladly choose the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok due to the parking lot which is located within the complex of A Blok Blok 67a. Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are perfectly connected with the rest of the city, and the center of Belgrade can be reached in just ten minutes via public transport. Between the buildings of the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are nicely decorated and neat green areas and playgrounds that combined with the residential buildings make a single, amazing complex. Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are new, modern, excellent in structure and fully equipped.
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Studio Apartment Osmica Belgrade Novi Beograd


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovica 8
Price 60 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Osmica Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovica 8
35 m2 Studio 3 Guests 4.8 (13)

Studio Apartment Atrium Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 22 i
Price 60 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Atrium Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 22 i
35 m2 Studio 4 Guests 4.8 (13)

Studio Apartment Omnia Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 8
Price 60 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 36 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Omnia Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 8
36 m2 Studio 4 Guests 4.5 (1)

Studio Apartment Anejo A blok Belgrade Novi Beograd


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 20z
Price 60 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 36 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Anejo A blok Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 20z
36 m2 Studio 3 Guests 5.0 (1)

Apartment Jadran New Belgrade is located in Urosa Martinovica street. Average price for Apartment Jadran is 37€. Apartment is perfect choice for 2 persons.


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 8
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Jadran Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 8
35 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.8 (20)

Studio Apartment Klio Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 4
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 30 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Klio Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 4
30 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.5 (16)

Studio Apartment Diverzija Belgrade Center


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 22i
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Diverzija Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 22i
35 m2 Studio 2 Guests 0

Studio Apartment Figura Belgrade Center


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovica 23
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 32 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Figura Belgrade Center
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovica 23
32 m2 Studio 2 Guests 5.0 (1)

Studio Apartment Manhattan A Blok Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 20z
Price 60 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 33 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Manhattan A Blok Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 20z
33 m2 Studio 4 Guests 4.8 (16)

Studio Apartment Koala 33 Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 22
Price 55 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Koala 33 Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 22
35 m2 Studio 2 Guests 3.8 (3)

Studio Apartment Top Living Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Jurija Gagarina 22A
Price 80 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Top Living Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Jurija Gagarina 22A
35 m2 Studio 3 Guests 4.9 (4)

Two Bedroom Apartment Malibu Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovica 14
Price 70 €
Guests: 4
Area of the apartment : 45 m2
Structure : Two Bedroom
Two Bedroom Apartment Malibu Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovica 14
45 m2 Two Bedroom 4 Guests 4.8 (5)

Studio Apartment Real A Blok Novi Beograd with a beautiful view, located in the famous elite neighborhood A block, in New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 5
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 25 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Real A Blok Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 5
25 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.8 (12)

Studio Apartment Argosi Belgrade Novi Beograd


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovića 4
Price 60 €
Guests: 3
Area of the apartment : 31 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Argosi Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovića 4
31 m2 Studio 3 Guests 4.7 (5)

Studio Apartment Piccadilly Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 16
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 35 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Piccadilly  Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 16
35 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.4 (3)

Studio Apartment Maglev Belgrade New Belgrade


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Uroša Martinovića 2
Price 55 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 32 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Maglev Belgrade New Belgrade
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Uroša Martinovića 2
32 m2 Studio 2 Guests 4.9 (7)

Studio Apartment Nero Belgrade Novi Beograd


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovića 4
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 27 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Nero Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovića 4
27 m2 Studio 2 Guests 5.0 (2)

Studio Apartment Bajkal Belgrade Novi Beograd


Location: Belgrade New Belgrade
Address: Urosa Martinovica 18
Price 60 €
Guests: 2
Area of the apartment : 33 m2
Structure : Studio
Studio Apartment Bajkal Belgrade Novi Beograd
Belgrade New Belgrade ~ Urosa Martinovica 18
33 m2 Studio 2 Guests 0

Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a (A blok)

Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok - Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are located in the A Blok neighborhood in the municipality of New Belgrade. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are is completely new, and next to it there are the neighborhood Belvil and the shopping center Delta City. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are bordered by the streets Omladinskih birgada, Djordja Stanojevica, Bulevar Crvene Armije and the street Jurija Gagarina. What best describes the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok and the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are new, modern buildings and a nicely decorated and well kept space, as well as maximum use of the aforementioned space. The neighborhoods where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are is one of the smaller neighborhoods in the municipality of New Belgrade, and what makes it specific is its structure and the fact that it is completely new. The neighborhood in which the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are covers an area of ​​9000 square meters and consists of a number of new residential buildings whose ground story floors are full of cafes, bars, restaurants, exchange offices, banks, supermarkets and shops. Our guests gladly choose the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok due to the parking lot which is located within the complex of A Blok Blok 67a. Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are perfectly connected with the rest of the city, and the center of Belgrade can be reached in just ten minutes via public transport. Between the buildings of the neighborhood where the Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are, are nicely decorated and neat green areas and playgrounds that combined with the residential buildings make a single, amazing complex. Belgrade Apartments Blok 67a A Blok are new, modern, excellent in structure and fully equipped.

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